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Deliverable 7.2 - Project's final report - This website
Project: AgeingTimeUse, Horizon 2020 ERC
I have created this personal website to report on the progress of my projects and promote my research. This website will continuously inform the s…

Deliverable 7.1 - Annual progress report
Project: AgeingTimeUse, Horizon 2020 ERC
I have frequently met with Agnieszka Swiejkowska, who is the Research Facilitator at the Department of Sociology. She is updated on the progress o…

Milestone 6.3 - Research communication training
Project: AgeingTimeUse, Horizon 2020 ERC
I had a meeting with Sarah Whitebloom from the University's Media Relations, Research and Innovation, on the communicaton of my research. She gave…

Milestone 6.2 - Data science training
Project: AgeingTimeUse, Horizon 2020 ERC
Although I initially thought that I would do multi-level model training, in the course of my project, I realized that I would benefit more from ri…

Milestone 6.1 - Sequence analysis training and Julia parallelization training
Project: AgeingTimeUse, Horizon 2020 ERC
On September 21-23, 2020, I attended an <django_quill.fields.FieldQuill object at 0x7fd97a0ee110>