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Deliverable 5.9 - IATUR Conference presentation

Project: AgeingTimeUse, Horizon 2020 ERC

I presented two papers at the International Association for Time Use Research Conference in 2021:

  • Exploring da…

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Deliverable 5.8 - Presentation at the Departmental Seminar

Project: AgeingTimeUse, Horizon 2020 ERC

I presented my research at the Department of Sociology, Oxford, on November 23, 2020.

The talk was not recorded, but it was based on this pa…

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Deliverable 5.7 - Blog post on Medium about optimal matching using distributed computing in Julia

Project: AgeingTimeUse, Horizon 2020 ERC

Having benefited from training in parallel computing in Julia, I decided to contribute to the academic community by applying my knowledge to accel…

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Deliverable 5.6 - BSPS Conference presentation

Project: AgeingTimeUse, Horizon 2020 ERC

I did two presentations at the British Society for Population Studies Conference in 2021:

  • <django_quill.fields.FieldQuill object at 0x7fd97a1f8b80>

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Deliverable 5.3 - BSA conference presentation

Project: AgeingTimeUse, Horizon 2020 ERC

I presented my Ageing and Dementia paper at the British Sociological Association conference on April 14, 2021. 

The inforgraphic for th…

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