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Deliverable 3 - Joint colalborative work on time use visualization

Project: John Fell Fund, Oxford University

Together with Jooyeoun Suh and other collaborators, we developed a tool to help visualize time-use diaries.

The paper was published in PLoS …

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Deliverable 2 - SES and Education Time

Project: John Fell Fund, Oxford University

Together with Jooyeoun Suh, we investigate how SES affects studying time among school children.

Using the 2019 Korean Time Use Survey, we ex…

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Deliverable 1 - Working paper on the division of labor in later life

Project: John Fell Fund, Oxford University

Together with Seung-Eun Cha, we are working on the division of labor in later life. 

Older adults continue being engaged in productive …

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Deliverable 7.2 - Project's final report - This website

Project: AgeingTimeUse, Horizon 2020 ERC

I have created this personal website to report on the progress of my projects and promote my research. This website will continuously inform the s…

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Deliverable 7.1 - Annual progress report

Project: AgeingTimeUse, Horizon 2020 ERC

I have frequently met with Agnieszka Swiejkowska, who is the Research Facilitator at the Department of Sociology. She is updated on the progress o…

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