Project Details

Time Use Research

My primary research focus is on gender inequality and time use. In my work, I investigates the intricate dynamics of housework and gender, exploring factors such as economic resources, educational attainment, and gender egalitarian attitudes. My research extends globally, comparing gender inequality in time use in different countries, particularly in East Asian and North American societies.

Deliverables and Milestones

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Can the differences in economic resources explain the gender gap in housework?

Project: Time Use Research

I recently published a blog post in Work in Progress on my recent paper on the economic resources and gender gap in housework. Please check it out…

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Sequence Analysis: Time Use Data (ATUS-X)

Project: Time Use Research

I was working on ATUS-X data more frequently recently. So, I decided to remake my sequence analysis tutorial specifically for ATUS-X extracts. You…

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New publication: Visualizing Daily Time Use on Housework in Canada: Persistence and Patterns

Project: Time Use Research

Visualizing Daily Time Use on Housework in Canada: Persistence and Patterns


Housework is a significant part of…

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NEW PUBLICATION: How to get control of your time in the Conversation

Project: Time Use Research

You can find it using the following link:
