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Milestone 6.3 - Research communication training
Project: AgeingTimeUse, Horizon 2020 ERC
I had a meeting with Sarah Whitebloom from the University's Media Relations, Research and Innovation, on the communicaton of my research. She gave me a few pointers on how to improve my research communication.
Additionally, I attended a few courses provided by the Social Sciences Division:
- Introduction to Storytelling on 30/06/2021, 2pm.
- Introduction to research ethics on 10/02/2021, 2pm.
- Research Data Management Plan on 03/02/2021, 1:30pm.
- Introduction to Writing for the Conversation on 27/11/2020, 10am.
ERC launched a new program aimed at helping Horizon 2020 projects with research communication and dissemination called the Horizon Booster. I have joined that program, and now my project is being supported by Trust-IT Services and Francesco Osimanti. The project led by Ewa Jarosz (DEXSAGE) will be joining us to create a research dissemination consortium. The results of this collaboration are expected in late 2022.