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Milestone 6.1 - Sequence analysis training and Julia parallelization training
Project: AgeingTimeUse, Horizon 2020 ERC
On September 21-23, 2020, I attended an online workshop on sequence analysis organized by GESIS and Marcel Raab and Emanuela Struffolino. It was a fantastic experience learning about the deeper concepts in sequence analysis.
On October 29-30, 2020, I attended an online workshop, 'Parallel Computing in Julia,' organized by JuliaComputing training. This course proved to be very useful to understanding the nuts and bolts of parallel and distributed computing in Julia.
Most programming languages, including R and Python, are not able to perform well when it comes to parallelization. So, Julia is one of the most amazing languages for making faster computations. Julia is used in many areas, including astronomy, particle/nuclear physics, genetics, medical imaging and scalable machine learning. It supports parallelization, which makes it faster than other languages, while the syntax is quite straightforward.